Implementation of the Human Resources Strategy for European Union Researchers (HRS4R) at UBO
In December 2018, UBO was awarded the European ‘HR Excellence in Research’ label from the European Commission for its Human Resources Strategy (HRS4R) developed since 2017, which is a real lever for improving the quality of HR practices in terms of recruitment, career development and enhancement, and more generally the working environment of research staff, securing research funding while strengthening the attractiveness of the university internationally.
A global quality approach at the core of our Human Resources strategy
HRS4R is based on the European Charter and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers which define the general principles and requirements applicable to researchers, employers and funders in terms of role, responsibilities and entitlements.
The aim is secure the relationships between researchers and employers or funders ensuring that their nature is conducive to successful performance in generating transferring, sharing and disseminating knowledge and to career development.
HRS4R General Principles and Requirements
The Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers is a set of general principles and requirements related to open, transparent and internationally comparable selection and recruitment procedures as well as merit based evaluation not only restricted to publication but wchich should be appreciated more broadly on the responsibilities and the professionalism that researchers demonstrate in executing their work at different stages of their careers and in their multiple roles as leaders, project coordinators, managers, supervisors, mentors, career advisors or science communicators.
HRS4R Implementation at UBO
On the 28th January 2016, UBO endorsed the principles of the European Code and Charter and started the process towards ‘HR award’ application which recognition was obtained in December 2018.
In March 2021, a mid-term evaluation was done and approved by the European commission with an update of the action plan for period 2020-2022.
The HRS4R process being continuous, it goes on in a cyclical way after the Implementation Phase, with an assessment for award renewal every 36 months.
After 5 years, it is time for UBO to ask for the renewal of the ‘HR award’ based on an internal review of the first 5-year-phase leading to an update of the action plan for the next 3 years.