Projet FoodRest, porté par le LUBEM et le LEGO analyse les causes du gaspillage alimentaire / Découverte de la plus ancienne carte européenne par des chercheurs Inrap, Université de Bournemouth, CNRS et UBO
An ambitious research policy
The UBO research policy contributes to creating knowledge and developing technological innovations to respond to societal and contemporary challenges. It develops partnerships and contractual relationships with the economic world to promote and valorize its research results.
It is guided by several priorities:
Increasing the attractiveness and visibility of its major research areas by enabling complementarity between fundamental and applied research.
Valorizing scientific results to develop an innovation ecosystem, a source of growth and job creation.
Promoting the link between research, innovation and training.
Developing four shared research and technology platforms.
Conducting research at UBO
Key Figures
32 Research Units (URs)
115 doctoral graduates
813 lecturer-researchers
353 HDRs
750 annual publications
21 start-ups
18 patents
296 research contracts
4 lines of research
To implement its ambitious strategy, UBO has a multidisciplinary research ecosystem, centered around four lines of research, a organization type that promotes interdisciplinary and translational research between different research units.
Innovation and Valorization Strategy
The University of Western Brittany is building a strategy of innovation and technology transfer related to the needs of companies, and as such, is actively developing partnerships to enhance the competitiveness of the socio-economic fabric.
It is a strategy focused on several priorities:
- Developing facilities for hosting start-ups to bring them closer to the university’s fields of research.
- Developing services to companies by drawing on the lecturer-researcher expertise.
- Developing research and development partnerships with companies around new scientific themes with significant economic benefits.
Innovation in connection with the major technology transfer actors.
The university entrusts the management of its intellectual property to the technology transfer accelerator company (SATT) Ouest Valorisation. This delegation involves the development of a wide range of Technology Readiness Levels (TRLs) from patent detection to patent policy, and from licensing to maturation.
The university is a member of the private technological institute “b<>com" tasked with developing research that is co-financed by its academic and private members (e.g., Orange, Mitsubishi Electric, Harmonic). The university is also a shareholder in b<> com Licensing SAS, which is tasked with valorizing the b<> com patents portfolio.
The university is also a member of France Energies Marines. This association is moving towards a SAS (société par actions simplifiée) company status. It is responsible for developing public-private research in the field of innovative energy production alternatives in partnership with various companies such as Naval Group and EDF.
The University is a member of the Technopole Brest Iroise and Technopole Quimper Cornouaille who are responsible for hosting and supporting the region’s innovative companies.