Gilles Burel

I am with the Security, Intelligence and Integrity of Information (SI3) research team of Lab-STICC laboratory. My present research interests are in signal processing for digital communications, compressed sampling and quantum communications.

Je suis membre de l'équipe SI3 (Security, Intelligence and Integrity of Information) du Lab-STICC. Mes domaines de recherche actuels concernent le traitement du signal pour les communications numériques, l'échantillonnage compressé et les communications quantiques.




Gilles BUREL


IEEE Senior Member

Scientific domain: Signal Processing and Digital Communications


Lab-STICC – UMR CNRS 6285,  UFR Sciences, University of Brest, France

email : Gilles dot Burel at




I received the M.Sc. degree from Supélec, France, in 1988, the Ph.D. degree from University of Brest, France, in 1991, and the Habilitation to Supervise Research degree in 1996. From 1988 to 1997 I was with Thomson CSF, then Thomson Multimedia, Rennes, France, where I worked on image processing and pattern recognition. Since 1997, I am Professor of Digital Communications, Image and Signal Processing at the University of Brest. In 2000, I created the « Signal Processing for Telecommunications » research team at the University of Brest, then, from 2008 to 2016, I was Deputy Director of the Lab-STICC CNRS UMR 6285, which is one of the largest French research laboratories in the area of Telecommunications, Information and Signal Processing. I am now with the Security, Intelligence and Integrity of Information (SI3) research team of that laboratory. My present research interests are in signal processing for digital communications, compressed sampling and quantum communications.


Education and Diplomas


1984: B.Sc. degree in electronics (Licence),
University of Brest, France
(mention “Très Bien”, rank 1st)

1986: Master of Sciences degree in electronics (DEA),
University of Brest, France
(mention “Très Bien”, rank 1st)

1988: Engineering Master degree from SUPELEC (Electricity High School), Gif sur Yvette, France

1991: Ph.D. in Electronics and Signal Processing, University of Brest, France

1996: Habilitation to Supervise Research degree (Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches)




1988-1989 : Research Engineer at Thomson-CSF  Research  Center (a leading company in radars and electronic systems for defense), Image Processing Division, Rennes, France. Thomson-CSF is now called Thalès ( )


1989-1994 : Project Leader at Thomson-CSF  Research  Center, Rennes, France

As a project leader, I supervised many research contracts and took part in the name of Thomson-CSF to the writing of new research proposals, in cooperation with other companies.


1994-1997 : Project leader at Thomson Multimedia Research Center, Cesson-Sévigné, France (a leading company in consumer electronics)


Since 1997: Full Professor in Telecommunications, Signal and Image Processing, at the University of  Brest, France


Main responsibilities during the last 20 years



2000-2007: Team Leader

Equipe TST

In June 2000, I created the « Signal Processing for Telecommunications » Research Team at the University of Brest, France. The main research activities of the team were: Interception of Telecommunications (Blind estimation of codes and interleavers, Detection of hidden spread spectrum transmissions, …), Chaotic transmissions and MIMO systems. In 2007, the team was composed of 8 researchers (including 3 Senior Researchers) and 7 Ph.D. students.


2004-2006: Director of the “Science and Technologies for Telecommunications” Master degree Program.


2004-2008: Director of the « Signals and Circuits » Master degree Program.


2006: Promoted to “1st class Professor” by the French National Council of Universities.


2011: Promoted to “Exceptional class Professor”.


Since 1994: Supervision of 23 Ph.D students


Since 1994: I have been invited to participate to 164 Ph.D and 29 HDR (Habilitation to Supervise Research) examining boards, including 59 times as a President and 41 times as a Referee.


Member of the Scientific Committees of many conferences, and reviewer for many Journals, including IEEE Trans. on Signal Processing, IEEE Trans. on Circuits and Systems, IEEE Communications Letters, Annals of Telecommunications, Signal Processing, IEEE Trans. on Instrumentation and Measurement, etc.



2008: Director of SICMA Doctoral School


SICMA was a federative Doctoral School, the goal of which was to combine and structure research-based training activities along the Atlantic Coast of Brittany. SICMA Doctoral School (Health, Information, Communication, Mathematics, Materials) was co-accredited by 3 institutions:


  • University of Brest (UBO), Brest-Quimper, France, main institution
  • University of South Brittany (UBS), Lorient-Vannes, France
  • Telecom-Bretagne (Telecommunications High School), Brest-Rennes, France


and was also linked to five engineering high schools.

The Doctoral School SICMA included 27 research laboratories (6 of which were linked to the major French research organizations: INSERM and CNRS) and counted around 550 researchers (including 200 Senior Researchers) as well as 400 Ph.D. students.


At the end of year 2008, I asked for a successor at the head of the doctoral school to devote myself fully to the new laboratory for which I was also deputy director at the same time (see below).



January 2008 to January 2016: Deputy Director of the Lab-STICC laboratory


Lab-STICC – UMR CNRS 6285 (Laboratoire des Sciences et Techniques de l’Information, de la Communication et de la Connaissance - Laboratory for Science and Technologies of Information, Communication and Knowledge) is the largest research laboratory along the Atlantic coast of Brittany. It was composed of about 440 people located in 5 universities and high schools. It was created in January 2008 by the fusion of 4 former Telecommunications and Electronics laboratories.


The Laboratory main activities were:

  • Microwaves and Materials for Telecommunications
  • Circuits, Algorithms and Signal Processing for Communications
  • Knowledge, Information and Decision Theory



December 2010 to December 2011: Deputy Director of Brest Institute for Science and Technology (ISSTB)


The Institute (Institut Supérieur des Sciences et Technologies de Brest - ISSTB) brought together 10 laboratories in the field of Information science, matter and physiology.

The Institute managed scientific activities (transverse seminars, support for the organization of conferences, ...) and supported collaborative activities between laboratories, as well as the sharing of technical and human resources of laboratories, including heavy equipment.





Citations data


h-index = 35    ( 35 papers are cited at least 35 times)       


Most cited paper:  302 citations


Total number of citations:  4251


Exemples de projets d'étudiants

2022-2023 / M2 ST / codage pour le stockage de données sur ADN

Par Hassina Aoudia et Khaled Belkacemi

Au delà du travail scientifique et technique, les étudiants ont réalisé des supports de vulgarisation ici présentés:






Fichier vidéo


Museum of old papers
- a small sample of my very first articles -

Gilles BUREL, Dominique CAREL, Jean-Yves CATROS, «A connectionist system for recognition of 2D workpieces», Revue Technique Thomson-CSF, vol 22, no 4, pp 610-635, décembre 1990, Tome 1 : Reconnaissance des Formes et Réseaux Neuronaux, ISSN 0035-4279


Gilles BUREL, Jean-Yves CATROS, «Réseaux de neurones en traitement d'images», Bulletin d'information du Laboratoire Central de Recherches et des Laboratoires Electroniques de Rennes,  Thomson-CSF, Numéro 4, décembre 1990


Gilles BUREL, Isabelle POTTIER, «Vector Quantization of Images using Kohonen algorithm -Theory and Implementation- », Revue Technique Thomson-CSF, vol 23, no 1, pp 137-159, mars 1991, Tome 2 : Reconnaissance des Formes et Réseaux Neuronaux, ISSN 0035-4279


Florence JACQUET, Jean DESMOUCEAUX, Nicolas DERYCKE, Hervé NOEL, Gilles BUREL, «Application des réseaux de neurones à la Veille Panoramique Infra-Rouge», Revue Technique Thomson-CSF, vol 23, no 1, mars 1991, pp. 217-242, Tome 2 : Reconnaissance des Formes et Réseaux Neuronaux, ISSN 0035-4279


Sherif MAKRAM-EBEID, Gilles BUREL, «Neural networks for industrial vision applications», The Fifth European Seminar on Neural Networks and Genetic algorithms (IBC conference), Feb. 12-14th, 1992, London, UK




Gilles BUREL, «Nouveaux résultats théoriques concernant les cartes topologiques», Bulletin d'information du Laboratoire Central de Recherches et des Laboratoires Electroniques de Rennes,  Thomson-CSF, décembre 1992


Gilles BUREL, Isabelle POTTIER, «Recognition of handwritten digits by features and a multi-layer perceptron», Revue Technique Thomson CSF, vol 24, no 4, décembre 1992,  pp. 1055-1070, Tome 1 : Traitement d’images,  ISSN 0035-4279


Gilles BUREL, Dominique CAREL, «Détection et localisation de visages sur image numérique», Revue Technique Thomson CSF, vol 25, no 1, mars 1993,  pp. 7-22, Tome 2 : Traitement d’images,  ISSN 0035-4279


Hugues HENOCQ, Gilles BUREL, «Reconnaissance d'objets 3D par analyse de Fourier de la silhouette», Revue Technique Thomson CSF, vol 25, no 1, pp 107-125, mars 1993, Tome 2 : Traitement d’images,  ISSN 0035-4279


Gilles BUREL, Jean-Yves CATROS, «Mise en correspondance de graphes par recuit simulé», Revue Technique Thomson CSF, vol 25, no 1, mars 1993, pp. 213-237, Tome 2 : Traitement d’images,  ISSN 0035-4279


Gilles BUREL, Jean-Yves CATROS, Isabelle POTTIER, Dominique CAREL, «Réseaux de neurones en traitement de l'image et du signal», Flux, no 151-152, pp 18-27,  juin 1993


Gilles BUREL, Hugues HENOCQ, «Invariants 3D et Applications à la Reconnaissance de Formes», Bulletin d'information du Laboratoire Central de Recherches et des Laboratoires Electroniques de Rennes,  Thomson-CSF,  Numéro 4, décembre 1993