28 March 2019
University of Western Brittany, UBO, Brest, France
Deadline for proposals: 28 December 2018
Organized by the students of M2 TILE and the Ecole doctorale ALL
The emergence of minority studies at the end of the twentieth century has cast a new light on the concept of identity in fields such as arts, history, psychology and sociology, only to name a few.
In the Oxford English Dictionary, identity is defined as “the fact of being who or what a person or thing is”. However, this definition may vary according to the context in which it is established. How can a specific time and place contribute to shape identity? What is the connection between individual and collective identity (nationality, religion, social class, etc.)? Is identity intrinsic and predetermined? Is it a process? A social construct? To what extent is it congruent with the self?
This one-day conference shall endeavour to provide a variety of insights on this complex subject. Papers are invited on topics including but not limited to:
- Construction and reconstruction of identity
- Deconstruction and annihilation of identity
- Psychopathologies and identity
- National and cultural identity
- Language and representation
- Collectivity and individuality
- Institutions and religion
- Gender studies
- Social media and identity
- Images and avatars
- Post-humanity
- Etc.
We welcome papers from every discipline: anthropology, geography, literature, linguistics, philosophy, etc.
Proposals should be no longer than 150 words and should be sent to m2tile2018@outlook.fr by February 28, 2019.