GIS Sociabilités*/Interdisciplinary Seminar 2024-26

UFR Lettres et Sciences Humaines - Salle C204

The Politics of the Sociable Self: Theories & Practices (1650-1850).

The Language of the Sociable Self


Intervenants :

Dr. Ross Carroll - Dublin City University
Laughing with (and at) our Fellows: The Search for a Sociable Humour in Eighteenth-century Moral Philosophy

Pr. Mary Fairclough - University of York
'We neither Laugh Alone nor Weep Alone, Why then Should We Pray Alone?': Contagious Sociability and Dissenting Public Workship, 1770-1800 

Discutants :

Alain Kerhervé - UBO

Kate Davison - U. Sheffield

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