Academic entities
The Noz Breizh Chair and the laboratories that support it mean to support and participate in the processes of societal, technological, environmental and economic transitions in the metropolitan area of Brest, within the framework of a reflection on the impacts of urban lighting (public and private) based on three axes:
- the social dynamics of city (life) at night;
- the connected city and lighting;
- ecology and light pollution.

Laboratoire Géoarchitecture (EA 7462)
The team is characterized by the complementarities of its disciplines, methodologies, territories and biogeographies , targeting four characteristic territorial groupings: urban spaces, spaces of ordinary nature, protected natural and semi-natural terrestrial spaces and spaces of the land-sea continuum. The laboratory intends to focus its various approaches on a number of unifying areas:
- a first axis connected to dynamic approaches to urban and natural territories;
- a second axis dedicated to questions of heritage invention and management;
- and finally a third transversal axis devoted to practices, uses and representations.
LP3C (EA 1285)
Laboratoire de Psychologie : Cognition Comportement Communication
LP3C (EA 1285) is a multi-site laboratory comprising 3 components: one at UBO, one at Rennes 2 and one at UBS. The laboratory's research interests lie in the fields of experimental psychology, social psychology, cognitive psychology, ergonomic psychology, and developmental and educational psychology, and revolve around several axes of research.
LabSTICC (UMR 6285)
LABoratoire des Sciences et Techniques de l'Information de la Communication et de la Connaissance
With its dual affiliation to INS2I and INSIS institutes (CNRS), Lab-STICC is a research unit with a long-standing reputation in Brittany and France in the field of ICTS. It has a proven ability to cover a wide scientific spectrum in computer sciences, particularly to address a variety of disciplinary fields in a wide range of application areas: maritime environment, communicating objects, defense, space, health, security, robotics...
LABERS (EA 3149)
LABoratoire d'Étude de Recherches en Sociologie
As a host team (EA 3149), LABERS welcomes doctoral students whose thesis topics are likely to fall within the scope of one or other of the laboratory's areas of research. It participates in scientific exchanges by organizing conferences and symposia, and developing collaborations with other research teams in France and abroad.

Brest métropole
Local authority in charge of public lighting within the Brest metropolitan area.
Morbihan énergies
Energy organization responsible for public lighting in a large part of the Morbihan department.
Vinci subsidiary responsible for the operational management of public lighting in the Brest metropolitan area.
Institutional, scientific, technical and civic partners

Région Bretagne
Fond pour la Recherche Partenariale
Support for the Smart Noz project, part of Axis 1 of the Chair's research program, to study night-time perceptions of the city, particularly through women's walking habits.
SEA-EU (European Union)
Multi-partite and multi-university research between Brest, Cadiz and Malta.
The aim is to study the influence of tourist activities on light pollution. Funding in 2022.
Maison des Sciences de l’Homme en Bretagne (MSHB)
The MSHB's mission is to federate research in humanities and social sciences in Brittany.
Exploratory research grant to study the physiological variables of feelings expressed during nocturnal activities (funding in 2022).
Compagnie Mona Luna
Theater company located in Brest.
Under the direction of Monica Campo, MonaLuna aims to be at the heart of the reflections that enable us to live together.
L’Observatoire de la Nuit
Design office offering public lighting diagnostics to local authorities.
Agence Bretonne de Biodiversité
A network that federates and supports the biodiversity community mobilized in Brittany.
Universidad Iberoamericana Puebla
Ibero Puebla is a private institution of higher education located in San Andrés Cholula, in the Puebla metropolitan area, and is one of the largest institutions in Mexico.
L-Università ta' Malta
Malta's highest educational institution, the University today comprises 14 faculties, as well as interdisciplinary institutes and a School of Performing Arts.
Universidad de Cádiz
A public university, located in the province of Cadiz, Spain, UCA is home to 20,798 students and ~1,700 professors.