Jamin C, Hemon P. 'Transition Prize' of the SATT Ouest Valorisation for the HYPERION technology platform. 2022.
Mignen O. 'Transfer of Technology Prize' of the SATT Ouest Valorisation for the pharmaceutical start-up Kalsiom. 2022.
Mignen O. 'Transfer of Technology Prize' of the SATT Ouest Valorisation for the pharmaceutical start-up Kalsiom. 2021. Watch the video (FR) from Ouest Valorisation to know more about the creation of Kalsiom and its transfer to the industrial sector.
Mignen O. Awarded in the 2019 Matwin program - Investors jury winner OUI (Oncology Upward Investment)
Mignen O. Awarded in the 2017 Matwin program - Best Academic Research Award in Oncology.
Mignen O. Prize of the Banque Populaire Ouest corporate foundation - Call for projects “Territoire recherche”. 2017, 2019 and 2020
Le Meur Y. Prize HUGO 2017.
Youinou P. 2015 ACR Master. Recognition as a Master of the American College of Rheumatology is one of the highest honors the ACR bestows on a member. This distinction is given to members, age 65 or older, who have made outstanding contributions to the field of rheumatology through scholarly achievement and/or service to their patients, students and profession.

Pers JO. PEDR (prime de recherche et d’encadrement doctoral, research and doctoral supervision bonus) 2014-2018 and 2018-2022.
Jamin C. PEDR (prime de recherche et d’encadrement doctoral, research and doctoral supervision bonus). 2018-2022.
Pers JO, Cornec D, and Youinou P are, according to Expertscape's algorithms, placed in the top 0.1% of researchers writing on Sjogren syndrome in the last 10 years, a level qualified as "world expert" (
Jousse-Joulin S. Sjögren’s syndrome Foundation Outstanding Abstract Award with “Honourable Mention” at the American College of Rheumatology Congress, San Diego, USA, 2013
Tobon G. Prize of the thesis of the French Association of Sjögren's Syndrome, 2013.
Hillion S. Prize of CSL-Berhring programme on fundamental research in immunology, 2011.
Le Meur Y. Prize of the Francophone Nephrology, 2011.
Pers JO. Sjögren’s syndrome Foundation Outstanding Abstract Award with “Honourable Mention” at the American College of Rheumatology Congress, Atlanta, USA, 2010.