The Doctoral Network SIGNATURE is hiring 10 PhD candidates in different locations in Europe.
Check out the offer: https://euraxess.ec.europa.eu/jobs/69084
Application deadline: 16th April
The review of applications will begin on March 2023.
📰 SIGNATURE will offer
A thorough scientific education in the frame of a doctoral training program.
The possibility to participate in specific international courses, workshops and conferences.
Strong involvement in a European research project with high international visibility.
The opportunity to perform research visits to internationally renowned research labs in Europe.
A prestigious three-year MSCA Fellowship.
The positions receive funding for 36 months by the Marie-Sklodowska-Curie Doctoral Network within the Horizon Europe Program of the European Commission.
🧪 PhD Employments
We are looking for 10 highly motivated doctoral candidates, starting at the earliest possible dates.
Eligibility to enrol in a doctoral programme at the time of the recruitment.
MSc degree in life sciences/molecular biology or engineering/computer sciences (Please check each individual project for more information).
Supporting trans-national mobility (i.e. No residence or main activity (work, studies, etc.) in the country of the recruiting beneficiary for more than 12 months in the 36 months before their recruitment date).
Secondments - availability to travel as per each individual project requirements.
💼 Job description
You will be performing all research activities in your respective Doctoral Candidate Project. This includes literature search, preparation of methodological design, study execution, data analysis, and dissemination through publication in highly ranked journals, as well as presentations at international conferences.
You will be working closely with each other, as well as with other members of the SIGNATURE project and 3TR project. International collaboration will be facilitated through short-term research stays at SIGNATURE partner institutions.
You will actively participate in all training activities of the SIGNATURE network.
You must have good communication skills in English (oral and written), be team-oriented and willing to work in an interdisciplinary and international environment. We expect the ability to take responsibility and meet deadlines, prioritizing where necessary.
Questions regarding individual projects should be directed to the Principal Investigators.
Please check this information in each of the Individual Projects and in the Applicants Guide.