International Symposium: Noz Num: Walking in the city at night

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Studies on urban nightlife have developed considerably in recent decades. However, when these studies adopt a gender approach, the discourse on the feeling of insecurity is more common and more important among women. Several authors show that these urban fears are complex to detect and in particular linked to social constructions and that this feeling of insecurity must be correlated with urban practices and social representations.

However, documenting the experience of walking in the city at night, that is to say, the experience, the affects, the emotions linked to walking in the city at night, and territorialising this journey, remains a perspective that has not been much addressed. By associating several disciplinary approaches from the human and social sciences as well as computer science, the Noz Num project has several objectives:

  • (I) The production of a research protocol in order to collect qualitative data, linked to social representations, and quantitative data, notably physiological measurements of walking in the city at night.
  • (II) Prefiguring a larger research project
  • (III) Build partnerships in different countries with an inter and transdisciplinary approach.

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See the schedule