Do you want to participate to an exciting International Week?
Come and join us to our International Days!

Over these 3 days, our first-year students will have no regular classes, but they will be requested to attend some of the lectures given by our foreign guests. Attendance will be compulsory for the students.
We would be pleased if, in accordance with Erasmus practices, each guest could give 8 hours of lectures altogether( some lectures can be repeated) . Those one-hour lectures should be given in a foreign language preferably (English, German, Spanish). If that is impossible, the lectures can also be given in French.
Please bear in mind that our students are in 1st year.
Therefore, your lectures should not be too specialized or too ambitious, all the more as they will be given in a foreign language. The important thing is to give them the opportunity to attend lectures in a foreign language and/or to discover other universities and other countries.
Our students participating in those International Days are from the following departments:
-Business Administration (including management and HR);
-Logistics and transport;
-Biology and food industry.
Consequently, all the topics related to the above-mentioned areas (biochemistry/biology, economics, business law, management, etc.) are welcome (but should not be too specialized). Your lecture may also deal with a special aspect of the political/social/cultural life of your region/country.
Extracurricular activities
We intend to organise a dinner in a restaurant, a visit of some of the historical/cultural/touristic spots of the Quimper region. In addition to that, we will organise some events giving you “a taste of Brittany.
Guests will have to cover for their accommodation and transport expenses, but the IUT will provide lunches and dinners.
You may apply to an Erasmus+ teaching funding programme, through your university, please contact your International Office.
The number of guest lecturers is limited to a maximum of 20.
By plane to Quimper airport (Pluguffan) from Orly Airport OR to Nantes airport from Roissy-CDG (you can then take a bus to the train station SNCF and reach Quimper).
-By train to Quimper from CDG Airport
(type in aéroport Paris-roissy-charles de gaulle)
-By train from Montparnasse station:
you can take a bus Air France from the airport to the train station
it's about 1 hour 15 minutes (but without traffic!!)
or you can take the metro
We suggest guest lecturers to stay at the hotel "Escale Oceania", because it is close to the train station and in the city centre.
The price of single room comfort B&B for 1 night is 81.10 euros (breakfast included).
You can book your room through the email address below, just inform them that you will participate at the "Journées Internationales" of the IUT Quimper:
Wait our mail confirmation that we will send you after having received your application form, to book your room.
The Hotel Escale Oceania, is just a 8 minute walk from the train station.
Map Train Station to Hotel
On Wednesday morning a special bus will pick you up from the hotel entrance. Two teachers from the IUT will be there to welcome you.
For the other days, lecturers will have to use the city bus, so they can come and go from and to the IUT as they please according to their lectures schedule.
You take bus N°2 at "Résistance" bus stop, in the direction of Ty Bos and alight at the "IUT" stop.
Or you may take bus C2 at "Résistance" bus stop and alight at the "IUT" stop.
Les Journées Internationales ont pour objectif de sensibiliser, les étudiants de BUT 1re année, à l'international (stages, études, métiers...), grâce à des conférences d'enseignants d'universités étrangères et de l'IUT, de professionnels de l'international, d'organismes liés à l'international.
Les intervenants extérieurs (professionnels, organisme de promotion de l'international) sont les bienvenus à nos Journées Internationales, afin d'établir un échange entre vous et nos étudiants de 1è année BUT (tertiaire et scientifique).
Les étudiants BUT 1re année, ont l'opportunité d'assister à 12 conférences dispensées par des enseignants venant d’universités étrangères partenaires de l’IUT (Espagne, Allemagne, Grande-Bretagne, Pologne, Norvège, Belgique, Pays-Bas, Italie, Hongrie, etc) dans les langues enseignées à l’IUT : anglais, espagnol et allemand.
Les thèmes abordés sont en lien avec les formations des étudiants (Marketing, business, logistique, management, biologie), en lien avec la préparation à la mobilité, et en lien avec l'interculturalité.
Assister aux conférences des 10-15 enseignants étrangers présents lors de ces journées internationales, permet aux étudiants d'envisager une mobilité études.
Les étudiants auront 6 conférences obligatoires, et seuls les étudiants qui se seront inscrits à l'option: International auront 12 conférences. Seuls les étudiants qui auront choisi cette "option: International", seront autorisés à partir en stages à l'étranger, et/ou en mobilité études .
500 1st year students
20 International guests
80 Conferences

International Office
00 33 (0)2 98 90 85 78
Monday - Thursday: 8h30-12h30 / 13h15-17h00
Friday: 8h15-12h30