Robert Mason
Domaines de recherche :
Twenty- and twenty first-century US history: political history (especially the presidency, political parties, campaigns and elections, and the media); political ideas (especially conservatism); gender and politics.
Formation :
Professional Certificate in University Teaching, University of Edinburgh, 2001
DPhil in Modern History, University of Oxford, 1998 ("The new American majority: the challenge to Democratic dominance, 1969-1977")
BA (Honours) in Modern History, University of Oxford, 1992
Enseignements :
Histoire américaine, L2
Histoire américaine, L3
Agrégation (civilisation américaine)
MEEF (civilisation américaine)
Ouvrages / monographies :
|LS|avec Alix Meyer et François Vergniolle de Chantal|RS| Réactions en Chaîne : Les Républicains, de Dwight D. Eisenhower à George W. Bush (1952-2008), Paris, Éditions Fahrenheit, 2015, 176 p.
The Republican Party and American Politics from Hoover to Reagan, New York, Cambridge University Press, 2012, 320 p.
Richard Nixon and the Quest for a New Majority, Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina Press, 2004, 304 p.
Directions d’ouvrages collectifs :
|LS|avec Patrick Andelic et Mark McLay|RS| Midterms and Mandates: Electoral Reassessments of Presidents and Parties, « New Perspectives on the American Presidency», Édimbourg, Edinburgh University Press, 2022, 343 p.
|LS|avec Iwan Morgan|RS| The Liberal Consensus Reconsidered: American Politics and Society in the Postwar Era, Gainesville, University Press of Florida, 2017, 306 p.
|LS|avec Iwan Morgan|RS| Seeking a New Majority: The Republican Party and American Politics, 1960¬–1980, Nashville, Vanderbilt University Press, 2013, 245 p.
Chapitres dans des ouvrages collectifs :
« Winning without winning: neoliberalism, public opinion, and electoral politics in the United States (1968-2000) », dans Nathalie A. Champroux, Alexis Chommeloux, Audrey Damiens, Selma Josso, Nathalie Lévy et Stéphane Porion (dir.), The Anglo-American Model of Neoliberalism of the 1980s, Cham, Suisse, Palgrave Macmillan, 2022, pp 117-133.
« Midterm elections, the Republican Party, and the challenge to New Deal liberalism, 1946–1958 », dans Patrick Andelic, Mark McLay et Robert Mason (dir.), Midterms and Mandates: Electoral Reassessments of Presidents and Parties, « New Perspectives on the American Presidency », Édimbourg, Edinburgh University Press, 2022, pp 143-167.
|LS|avec Patrick Andelic et Mark McLay|RS| « Introduction: Midterms and mandates, presidents and parties », dans Patrick Andelic, Mark McLay et Robert Mason (dir.), Midterms and Mandates: Electoral Reassessments of Presidents and Parties, « New Perspectives on the American Presidency », Édimbourg, Edinburgh University Press, 2022, pp 1-13.
« The Republican minority and voter mobilisation: The pursuit of grassroots activism and the politics of conservatism and moderation in the United States, 1933-1964 », dans Grégory Benedetti et Véronique Molinari (dir.), (Re-)Mobilising Voters in Britain and the United States: Political Strategies from Parties and Grassroots Organisations (1867-2020), Berlin, DeGruyter Oldenbourg, 2021, pp. 201-224.
« War hero in the White House: Dwight Eisenhower and the politics of war and peace », dans Jelte Olthof et Maarten Zwiers (dir.), Profiles in Power: Reassessing Presidential Persona and Agency, Leiden, Brill, 2020, pp. 112-128.
« Transatlantic dimensions of electoral strategy: Republican party interpretations of UK politics, 1936–c. 1960 », dans Clarisse Berthezène et Jean-Christian Vinel (dir.), Postwar Conservatism, A Transnational Investigation: Britain, France, and the United States, 1930–1990, New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2017, pp. 215-242.
« The domestic politics of war and peace: Jimmy Carter, Ronald Reagan, and the election of 1980 », dans Andrew Johnstone et Andrew Priest (dir.), US Foreign Policy and American Presidential Elections: Candidates, Campaigns, and Global Politics from FDR to Bill Clinton, « Studies in Conflict, Diplomacy, and Peace », Lexington, University Press of Kentucky, 2017, pp. 250-270.
« “Down the middle of the road”: Dwight Eisenhower, the Republican party, and the politics of consensus and conflict, 1949–1961 », dans Robert Mason et Iwan Morgan (dir.), The Liberal Consensus Reconsidered: American Politics and Society in the Postwar Era, Gainesville, University Press of Florida, 2017, pp. 186-206.
|LS|avec Iwan Morgan|RS| « Reconsidering the Liberal Consensus », dans Robert Mason et Iwan Morgan (dir.), The Liberal Consensus Reconsidered: American Politics and Society in the Postwar Era, Gainesville, University Press of Florida, 2017, pp. 1-11.
|LS|traduction, Alexia Blin|RS| « Dimensions transatlantiques de la stratégie électorale : Interprétations républicaines de la politique britannique, 1936-v. 1960 », dans Clarisse Berthezène et Jean-Christian Vinel (dir.), Conservatismes en mouvement. Conservateurs et conservatismes au XXe siècle, une approche transnationale, « En temps & lieux », Paris, Éditions de l’EHESS, 2016, pp. 203-231.
« Kennedy and the conservatives », dans Andrew P. Hoberek (dir.), The Cambridge Companion to John F. Kennedy, « Cambridge Companions to American Studies », New York, Cambridge University Press, 2015, pp. 225-239.
« Foreign Policy and the Republican Quest for a New Majority », dans Robert Mason et Iwan Morgan (dir.), Seeking a New Majority: The Republican Party and American Politics, 1960¬–1980, Nashville, Vanderbilt University Press, 2013, pp. 160-178.
|LS|avec Iwan Morgan|RS| « Republicans in Search of a New Majority », dans Robert Mason et Iwan Morgan (dir.), Seeking a New Majority: The Republican Party and American Politics, 1960¬–1980, Nashville, Vanderbilt University Press, 2013, pp. 1-12.
|LS|avec Iwan Morgan|RS| « The Ongoing Republican Search for a New Majority since 1980 », dans Robert Mason et Iwan Morgan (dir.), Seeking a New Majority: The Republican Party and American Politics, 1960¬–1980, Nashville, Vanderbilt University Press, 2013, pp. 213-227.
« Nixon and Political Realignment », dans Melvin Small (dir.), A Companion to Richard M. Nixon, « Wiley Blackwell Companions to American History », Malden, Mass., Wiley/Blackwell, 2011, pp. 253-269.
« Ronald Reagan and the Republican Party: Responses to Realignment », dans Cheryl Hudson et Gareth Davies (dir.), Ronald Reagan and the 1980s: Perceptions, Policies, Legacies, « Studies of the Americas », New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2008, pp. 151-172.
« The media », dans Gillian Peele, Christopher J. Bailey, B. Guy Peters et Bruce Cain (dir.), Developments in American Politics 5, Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2006, pp. 165-181.
« Political parties and the party system », dans Robert Singh (dir.), Governing America: The Politics of a Divided Democracy, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2003, pp. 94-108.
« “If you’re disgusted with us, I don’t blame you”: television and American politics today », dans Robert Singh (dir.), American Politics and Society Today, Cambridge, Polity Press, 2002, pp. 80-100.
Articles en ligne ou parus dans des revues :
« Realigning politics: electoral coalitions, political change, and the Republican party from Richard Nixon to George W. Bush », The Forum, 15, 4, décembre 2017, pp. 667-684
« Citizens for Eisenhower and the Republican party, 1951‒1965 », Historical Journal, 56, 2, juin 2013, pp. 513‒536.
« The struggle for free time: media reform in the United States during the 1990s », Media History, 12, 3, décembre 2006, pp. 313‒328.
« The citadel and the home place under siege », Reviews in American History, 33, 1, mars 2005, pp. 111‒118.
« “I was going to build a new Republican party and a new majority”: Richard Nixon as party leader, 1969‒1973 », Journal of American Studies, 39, 3, décembre 2005, pp. 463‒483.
Autres :
« Minorities and the New Deal », Modern History Review 18, 2016, pp. 18-22.
« The Republican party in defeat », History and Policy, décembre 2012.
« ‘Angry white guys’ and the future of the Republican Party », History and Policy, décembre 2012.
« The ‘Bought Vote’ of the 47 Percent », History News Network, 26 séptembre 2012.