• June 26, 2020:
Project kick-off meeting.
Since then, a remote meeting with all the project team members has been held every two weeks for research progress monitoring, brainstorming and future work planning, while a continuous remote interaction with the MSCA Fellow has been maintained between successive meetings, mainly by email and videoconference.
• July 3, 2020:
Publication of a short article to introduce the UWB-IODA project, on the website of the 2PE Brittany’s European Projects Platform (https://2pe-bretagne.eu/les-projets-la-une).
• August 24 – September 25, 2020:
Internship of the Engineering student Nicolas ROSTAING.
Attracted by the research aspects related to the project UWB-IODA, Mr. Nicolas ROSTAING, enrolled in the 4th year at the Engineering school Polytech Nantes, applied for an internship entitled “Acquisition and exploitation of ultra-wide band signals in indoor environment”. He supported the MSCA Fellow on the initial experimental phase, dedicated to UWB signal acquisition and processing, for people detection and localization in smart factory-like indoor environments. In order to explore these aspects, we provided him access to the UWB and Industry 4.0 experimental platforms, available on the UBO site.
• January 15 – March 22, 2021:
Signature of the Partnership Agreement between the University of Brest and the company ZF Autocruise, France.
This document specifies the terms and conditions of the MSCA Fellow’s secondment to ZF Autocruise company, as originally planned by the UWB-IODA project.
• January 28, 2021:
Emanuel RADOI presented the UWB-IODA project during a workshop, organized by INRIA and 2PE, on funding opportunities for Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in Horizon Europe program.
• January 19 – May 3, 2021:
Erasmus internship of the M.Sc. student Cristina Paraschiva POPOVICI.
Thanks to our research collaboration with the Military Technical Academy "Ferdinand I" of Bucharest, Romania, and using the leverage effect of the UWB-IODA project, we were able to obtain and successfully organize the Erasmus internship of the M.Sc. student Cristina Paraschiva POPOVICI, entitled “UWB Signal Processing and Machine Learning Algorithms Applied to Smart Factory and Perceptive Car”. Under the supervision of Emanuel RADOI and Roua YOUSSEF, she supported the MSCA Fellow in designing some UWB signal processing and machine learning algorithms, using Matlab, Python and PyTorch software. She also investigated some theoretical aspects related to the UWB signal processing and machine learning, under practical constraints (computational complexity, efficiency, flexibility, robustness etc.).
• April 3 – July 7, 2021:
Internship of the Ph.D. student Jocelyn Edinio ZACKO GBADOUBISSA.
Mr. Jocelyn Edinio ZACKO GBADOUBISSA, Ph.D. student at Maroua University, Cameroun, declared to be very interested by the research work related to the UWB-IODA project. We helped him to successfully apply for an internship funding from AUF (University Agency of La Francophonie) and the MathinBio Doctoral College of the University of Maroua. During his internship, he supported the MSCA Fellow to develop some theoretical aspects and design deep learning techniques for both the smart factory and perceptive car related applications. The results of his research have been included in a common paper, which is currently being written, and which he will also cosign.
• September 24, 2021:
Faheem KHAN attended the European Researchers’ Night, an important REA’s event aimed at creating better awareness of the undertaken research with the general public.
• October 1, 2021:
Start of Zaynab BAYDOUN’s Ph.D. thesis.
Using the leverage effect of the UWB-IODA project, we successfully applied during spring 2021 for a joint Ph.D. funding from the University of Brest and Brittany region. The Ph.D. topic is “Ultra-Wide Band Integrated Optical-and-Digital Approach for Smart Factory” and we have selected Ms. Zaynab BAYDOUN as our Ph.D. student. She will support the MSCA Fellow on the optimal design of the UWB waveform, so as to maximize its spectral efficiency, under some project related constraints. She will also work on pre-distortion schemes for the optimized waveforms, to compensate nonlinear effects inherent to UWBoF transmission, and on the reduction of the sampling rate for the digital signal processing under the Nyquist limit, by using the sparse representation of the received signal and recent compressed sampling results. In order to handle both the digital and optical aspects of the thesis and to develop and test the new UWB processing techniques, Ms. Zaynab BAYDOUN will be granted access to the UWB and Industry 4.0 platforms, located at UBO, as well as to the UWBoF equipment, located at ENIB. She is expected to work closely with the MSCA Fellow and to benefit from our international collaboration with the research team of Prof. Octavia A. DOBRE, from Memorial University, Canada, a research mobility being planned during her Ph.D. thesis.
• October 6, 2021:
Emanuel RADOI presented the UWB-IODA project during an important networking event, called “SEA-EU staff week”, organized by UBO in the framework of the European project SEA-EU. This presentation was carried out for the staff in charge of European projects in the SEA-EU partner universities, and generated many interesting exchanges with the participants, around the MSCA projects.
• Upcoming action in 2022:
The MSCA fellow will participate to the “SEA-EU Talent” action, which aims to increase the visibility of research work carried out by young researchers from European universities that are members of the SEA-EU alliance, as well as to promote opportunities for collaboration between them. This action includes webinars on research topics carried out by young researchers from the universities of the Alliance, as well as on topics related to the research career.