
Du au
À 10h00
Les Ateliers des Capucins

Exhibition, graphic restitution, and work-in-progress of the UBO Research Day, the UBO Graduation Day, and the RESSAC/SEA-EU residency days and events of the RESSAC Festival.

My work takes the form of drawn and textual note-taking. Like a journal, my notebooks, boards, and scrolls record the situations I experience, the bodies, ideas, sounds, movements, and objects that compose them. Although focused on the moving body, this work offers an incomplete archive, a subjective history of my journey as an artist-in-residence at UBO.

  • Youen Siche-Jouan, musicien et graphiste indépendant 
  • AUB (Alliance Universitaire Bretagne)
  • UBO
  • Ateliers des Capucins